2013/05 | LEM Working Paper Series | |
An eye-tracking study of feature-based choice in one-shot games |
Giovanna Devetag, Sibilla Di Guida, Luca Polonio |
Keywords | ||
one-shot games, eye-tracking, similarity, categorization, focal points, individual behavior, experimental economics, behavioral economics
JEL Classifications | ||
C72, C91, D01, D83
Abstract | ||
We analyze subjects’ eye movements while they make decisions in a
series of one-shot games. The majority of them perform a partial and
selective analysis of the payoff matrix, often ignoring the payoffs of
the opponent and/or paying attention only to specific cells. Our
results suggest that subjects apply boundedly rational decision
heuristics that involve best responding to a simplification of the
decision problem, obtained either by ignoring the other players’
motivations or by considering them only for a subset of
outcomes. Finally, we find a correlation between types of eye
movements observed and choices in the games.
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