2009/20 | LEM Working Paper Series | |
How does market architecture affect price dynamics? A time series analysis of the Italian day-ahead electricity prices |
Andrea Petrella, Sandro Sapio |
Keywords | ||
electricity prices, Italian power exchange, market architecture, ARMA, EGARCH
JEL Classifications | ||
C51, G12
Abstract | ||
How do changes in the market architecture affect the dynamics of
deregulated electricity prices? We investigate this issue in the
context of the Italian Power Exchange (IPEX), using data on the daily
average day-ahead price (PUN) between April 2004 and December 2008.
Estimates of baseline time series models (ARMAX and ARMAX-EGARCH) and
their forecasting performances suggest that the trend in natural gas
prices, deterministic weekly patterns, the impact of perceived
temperatures, persistence in conditional volatility and the inverse
leverage effect are essential features of the PUN dynamics. We then
augment the best-performing models with dummies that account for
changes in the market architecture, such as the introduction of
contracts for differences (CfDs) to support renewables, trading of
white certificates for energy efficiency, and the demandside
liberalization. The findings show that changes in the market
architecture have only affected the PUN volatility. Specifically, CfDs
have mitigated volatility, while white certificates and demand
liberalization have increased it. Moreover, after controlling for
reforms the inverse leverage effect vanishes, and the persistence in
volatility is lower than in the baseline estimates.
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