2021/08 LEM Working Paper Series

Identity and Labor Market Outcomes of Immigrants

Maria Rosaria Carillo, Vincenzo Lombardo and Tiziana Venittelli
Migration; Integration; Ethnic identity; Acculturation; Culture; Labor market.

  JEL Classifications
F22, J15, J61, Z1
This paper explores the relationship between social identity and labor market outcomes of immigrants. Using survey data from Italy, we provide robust evidence that immigrants with stronger feelings of belonging to the societies of both the host and home country have higher employment rates, while those who exclusively identify with the host country culture do not have a net occupational advantage. Analysis of the potential mechanisms suggests that, although simultaneous identification with host and home country groups can be costly, the positive effect of multiple social identities is especially triggered by the enlarged information transmission and in-group favoritism that identification with, and membership of, extended communities ensure.
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